Is an STD test really necessary? Facts About STD Screening & Tests

Affordable rapid chlamydia & gonorrhea std testing, phoenix

Sexually transmitted diseases, more commonly known as STDs, are a range of infections transmitted via sexual activities that can be life-threatening to a great degree. These infections can be easily spread through several sexual affairs – oral, vaginal, and anal. 

However, these infections can be spread through many other channels, such as from the mother to the child in the womb and through intimate acts like kissing. STDs are not necessarily caused by just one pathogen but include various viruses and bacteria. 

If left untreated, tit can be fatal to the host. Furthermore, it can cause long-term disabilities such as blindness, infertility and in the worst-case untimely death. Test for STDs can be found in certified clinics and hospitals and can range anywhere from a few dollars to a massive amount.

Reasons Why Getting An STD Test is Important

STD testing is an integral part of maintaining your sexual health. It can help detect infections early, preventing serious health issues in the future. Moreover, it is always a good idea to go for STD testing if you have doubts regarding your health. Here are some factors to help you make the best decision:

1. Protect your health: Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to managing any STD and reducing the risk of severe health complications. Testing can detect an infection before symptoms appear, allowing you to get the necessary treatment and protect your health.

2. Spread awareness: Getting a test for STDs on a routined basis helps spread awareness across different communities. It can lower the stigma associated with STDs and encourage more people to get tested.

3. Protect your partner: Knowing your status is essential for protecting your current and future partners. If you suspect an STD, testing, and treatment can help protect your partners from getting infected.

4. Reduce transmission: By getting tested and taking appropriate precautions, you can help reduce the spread of STDs and prevent transmission. It is crucial for sexually active people.

Who Should Get an STD Test?

STD testing is vital for anyone sexually active, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation. However, if you are unaware of the appropriate STD test to go for, you can refer to these guidelines:

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea 

The most popular STD found in US women is gonorrhea, as per a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts suggest that sexually active women under 25 should get tested once annually. 

HIV test

Human Immunodeficiency virus is one of the deadliest STDs. With the proper STD test, you can confirm the presence or absence of this virus. In addition, it is also advised to opt for Herpes, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea testing as there are higher chances of acquiring other diseases if one is infected with HIV.

Pregnant women

As part of medical laws, you should be tested for various STDs like prenatal Syphilis screening. This testing will determine the best care for the mother and the unborn baby.

Pap smear test or Pap test

The Pap smear test is single-handedly responsible for revealing several infections, including the HPV or the Human Papillomavirus. Women who are sexually active and at least 21 years old should get tested for a Pap smear if and when needed. Additionally, this also tests for any abnormalities leading to cervical cancer.

When Should An Individual Get Tested?

If you are sexually active, getting tested at least once a year is a good option. If you have recently had unprotected sex or have any symptoms of an STD, it is recommended that you get tested immediately.

Choose Affordable Rapid Testing, Arizona for the best Testing Services

Booking an STD test has gotten more accessible with the technological innovations available in today’s times. Affordable Rapid Testing, is one of the best in the string of testing clinics in Arizona. It has the most reliable testing machine for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea testing and seeks to provide quick and accurate results. STD testing has become an easily accessible option for people looking forward to their test results with this machine. Don’t hesitate to book an appointment today! 

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