It’s all about HIV – its Symptoms and Stages!

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HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, directly affects the human immune system. It also has the capability to Destroy immune cells, which are known as CD4. Basically, CD4 is one type of cell that protects the body from diseases, and if you have HIV, then it will destroy CD4, and your body will lose the ability to fight against different viruses.

If you have HIV and you did not do proper treatment, then it tends to become AIDS within 10 years. If you have AIDS, then your body will become very weak, and it stop fighting against diseases, and you may end your life with a chronic disease like cancer.

How Does HIV Affect a Person?

HIV all the time affects your white blood cells, which are called CD4, and for that reason, a person suddenly loses immune power in the body. It destroys CD4 cells in the body. It will create a situation in the body where your body is unable to fight against infections. People who have HIV have symptoms like the flu. Sometimes, it can hide in your body without providing any symptoms, and slowly, it starts destroying your T-cells. And then people start feeling low, and different diseases start attacking the body.

Then, it will slowly grow and convert into AIDS. If anyone has AIDS, they experience massive weight loss and extreme tiredness. It also starts with fevers, skin discolouration and other problems. It will also destroy the immune system and tend to cause cancer.

How is HIV spread from person to person?

Many people have doubts about how to spread HIV from one person to another. Well, there is no fear if an HIV person protects them adequately. Whenever an HIV patient comes into contact directly with another person and exchanges somebody’s fluids, then only it spreads to that person. For example, blood transfer, semen and pre-seminal fluid, and breast milk, during sex if the partner will never use a condom, then only. HIV never happen if you kiss, share food, etc.

HIV have different stages:

The early stage of HIV

In the beginning, people don’t know that they have HIV problem. But after getting the virus, you may feel symptoms. During this time, your body’s immune system slowly decreases. You will feel weak, and flu comes and frequently happens; this is called the primary stage of HIV infection. You will feel fatigue, sore throat, fever, weight loss, ulcers, etc.

The second stage of HIV

Once HIV hits, your body’s immune system will go, and all the symptoms of fever and headache will also be gone. This period is called the chronic HIV infection period. During this phase, if you don’t identify HIV, then It starts destroying CD4 cells in your body. And your body’s immunity power will be zero very soon.

AIDS symptoms – Final stage

This is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. During this situation, your CD4 will be destroyed completely, and your immune power will be badly damaged. During this situation, you will start to develop illness and infection. You may face lung disease or skin cancer-type problems.

Do rapid test and remove the fear of HIV

It’s essential to have a rapid taste to make yourself healthy. Sexual health and constant monitoring are crucial. You don’t know when you may get affected by HIV, so frequent test is critical. If you are planning to do any STD test or private STI testing Phoenix, contact us now! We, affordable rapid testing, are one of the trusted health clinic centres in Phoenix, and we offer same-day reports after clinical tests to the patient. It’s a safe and secure way to identify any problem you have and do treatment to make yourself healthy and live long.

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