Syphilis is one of the most common STIs in the world. This disease mostly spreads through contact with an infected sore during vaginal, anal or oral intercourse. The disease develops through four stages and can be treated easily with antibiotics. If you are experiencing symptoms, STD testing is of utmost importance.
The four stages of Syphilis
As we mentioned before, Syphilis develops in four stages, the primary stage, the secondary stage, the latent stage, and the tertiary stage.
- Primary Stage
Here are some symptoms of the primary stage of Syphilis:-
- You might notice a sore that indicates infection.
- These sores usually occur around the entry point of the Syphilis bacteria and are generally found in the genital, oral or anal regions.
- The sores are usually painless, round, and firm.
- These painless sores often go unnoticed.
Whether you get treated or not, the sores will last 3-6 weeks and disappear by themselves. Without treatment, the infection can still exist in a dormant state in your body.
- Secondary Stage
Here are some symptoms of the secondary stage of Syphilis:-
- Reddish brown and rough sores in the vagina, anus, or mouth.
- A skin rash on the palms, soles of your feet, or other parts of the body. This rash usually does not itch.
- Other symptoms may include, a sore throat, fever, headaches, fatigue, muscle ache, and swollen lymph glands.
If you still go without treatment in this stage, the symptoms will go away, but the bacteria will still live on in your body and move on to the latent and then tertiary stage.
- Latent Stage
The third stage of Syphilis is the latent stage, and as the name suggests, the infection becomes virtually invisible. The infection will continue to live on in your body, even for years, if you are not tested and treated. There will be no external signs of the infection until it develops into the tertiary stage.
- Tertiary Stage
The tertiary stage does not occur very often. This stage can occur anywhere between 10-30 years after getting infected first. In the tertiary stage, if the Syphilis infection reaches the brain, ears or eyes of the patient, then it can turn into The targeted areas can suffer severe damage from the infection. But if it does happen, it results in the following:-
- Can damage the nervous system and the brain.
- Can even cause blood vessel and heart damage.
- Can result in Neurosyphilis, Otosyphilis, and Ocular Syphilis.
- Can result in death.
Thankfully, if you go to an STD testing clinic, they can help identify and treat tertiary Syphilis in your body after a few tests.
How to reduce the risk of getting Syphilis?
Anyone with an active sex life can contract Syphilis from unprotected intercourse if their partner already has the disease. The safest way to reduce the risk of contracting Syphilis is to always use a condom during intercourse. If your vagina, penis, anus, or mouth comes into contact with a Syphilis sore, you can easily contract it.
Syphilis can even spread to an unborn child if the mother contracts it during pregnancy. But, it does not spread through casual contact. Make sure you always get tested for STDs periodically. It is also best for all partners to get tested for Syphilis before entering a monogamous relationship.
Why is STD Testing Crucial for the Detection and Treatment of Syphilis?

STD testing is crucial for syphilis detection and treatment due to several reasons:
- Identification of infection: Syphilis, caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum, is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Testing enables early detection, timely treatment, and prevention of complications.
- Prevention of transmission: Syphilis can be transmitted without noticeable symptoms, underscoring the importance of testing. It allows individuals to take necessary precautions and inform their partners to reduce transmission risk.
- Treatment effectiveness: Early-stage symptoms of Syphilis can be easily cured with appropriate antibiotic treatment like Penicillin. Test for STDs ensures prompt diagnosis and timely treatment, increasing the chances of successful recovery.
- Coinfections and complications: Syphilis testing also detects potential concurrent STIs. Timely identification facilitates appropriate treatment and prevents further health complications.
- Screening for high-risk individuals: Regular STD testing, including Syphilis testing, is recommended for sexually active individuals, pregnant women, and individuals with a history of STIs.
How to get tested and treated for Syphilis?
You can get tested for Syphilis at any STD testing clinic around you. Usually, it’s done through a simple blood test, but sometimes liquid samples are also taken from the sores for more accurate results. After confirmation, you will be prescribed antibiotics for the recovery process. You should also consider getting tested for Syphilis when you are pregnant. Always remember that contracting Syphilis once does not make you immune, and you can contract it again.
Affordable STD Testing in Pheonix
Syphilis and other serious STDs can be hard to detect. That is why you need to get tested at an affordable clinic with a treatment plan. You can get affordable, rapid testing for Syphilis and even the 4 new STDs namely, Hepatitis B, Herpes, HIV and HPV in Pheonix, Arizona, With Affordable Rapid testing, you can start the treatment plan immediately.